The Fixed Income Solutions activity provides liquidity and pricing solutions for trading illiquid debt, private placements, and structured products on the secondary market.
It benefits from:
A specialized engineering team fully dedicated to structured products, pricing and repackaging solutions with expertise in identifying relative value and arbitrage opportunities.
A large network of over 700 end-clients in continental Europe, the UK and Emerging Markets.
A strong market access to prop desks, MTN desks, exotic trading and asset swap desks.

The Fixed Income Solutions activity provides liquidity and pricing solutions for trading illiquid debt, private placements, and structured products on the secondary market.
It benefits from:
A specialized engineering team fully dedicated to structured products, pricing and repackaging solutions with expertise in identifying relative value and arbitrage opportunities.
A large network of over 700 end-clients in continental Europe, the UK and Emerging Markets.
A strong market access to prop desks, MTN desks, exotic trading and asset swap desks.